"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a television series featuring the activities and agents of the clandestine (formerly military) organization S.H.I.E.L.D. The series is produced by Marvel Television, and is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe of Earth-199999, sharing continuity with the films in that franchise. The 'precursor' is the comic book series Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby."
This show is truly amazing and outstanding. It keeps the audience on the edge of their seat, and surprises the hell out of people. I mean, when I found out that Agent Phil Coulson was still alive in the first episode, I was like, "Oh My God! COULSON LIVES!"
Though, what do we think about it. Hm..Let's see what the actors and actresses have to say about Season 1
Okay, so if you watch this video you can see that they were really excited with everything. They loved seeing the fans surprised and anxious...And they had fun themselves. They did say in the interview that, it was difficult to make each episode better than the other one. I mean, who could blame them, the first two episodes were awesome. But they made it through.
They even talked about how the characters are connected to the Marvel Universe, and how the characters act on the team. Which is funny, how Ming Na Wen describes Fitz. So cute!
Chloe Bennet even talks about how Thor: The Dark World, is connected with Agents of SHIELD on Season 1 Episode 8.
Hypable: How much did you know about Thor: The Dark World
before filming “The Well”?
Chloe Bennet: You know, we really didn’t know much about
what happened. We got a vague description of what happened. We did end up
seeing Thor last weekend, me, Iain [DeCaestecker], and Brett [Dalton] went to
see Thor together, and it made a lot more sense after we saw the movie!
The episode ties in, and it’s the aftermath of Thor: The
Dark World, and we basically go and clean up the mess, and we discover an
Asgardian relic. And this relic gives anyone who touches it an enormous amount
of rage.
Stuff goes down, my friend! Stuff goes down, it’s going to
be a good one to watch. But I definitely suggest going to see Thor: The Dark
World beforehand – also because it’s an awesome movie.
Marvel is great at making big plot moments about character.
Will we see that particularly in this episode?
In my mind, that happens in every episode. I think that’s
really what Marvel is about – a lot of huge, life-changing situations happen,
but it’s all about how these characters deal with it. And Agents of
S.H.I.E.L.D. is particularly about super-humans seen through the eyes of normal
people. That theme is laced into every single episode, and particularly this
episode for Ward. Lots of stuff happens with him, and it’s all about him and
his story and what happens there. So you’ll find out some great backstory.
And that’s what’s so exciting about the first season of any
show, is that… you have these characters in your TV and in your home every
week, and finding out more about them and their secrets and their flaws and
what their insecurities are. I think that’s the best part about watching a new
For more on the interview, click this link ->
Here's another Interview but with Clark Gregg, and he talks about how Coulson and Skye are connected and how they have a special bond. Clark says, that it's something inside of her that he connects with instantly. Which is awesome, because I suspected that was going to happen. It's like a strict agent father connecting with his hacker child. I know, a weird analogy but it makes sense.
In another interview, Clark Gregg gives hint of what should become of Season 2.
Do you get involved with any of the fan speculation that has
been put on the show, and on Coulson in particular?
Clark Gregg: I read a lot of them, because the creators of the show don’t
tell me very much. I usually know about as much as Coulson knows. But Coulson
often doesn't know a lot of the really juicy stuff. I definitely have seen some
interesting theories online about who Skye’s dad might be. I do get to find out
a little bit before you. It’s badass that Lucy Lawless is gonna get to be a new
Agent on our show.
But he was just made the director of SHIELD right when
SHIELD had been burnt to the ground. So it’s the greatest thing that could ever
happen to him in the worst possible way. It seems like that’s going to involve
him going back into the shadows. This is a guy who has gotten uncomfortable
telling secrets, when so many were being kept from him. I think that has to
shift, and we’re going to see more of what he has to do and some of the hard
decisions he has to make, the kind that Nick Fury had to do in the past. That’s
going to create some difficult dynamics between him and his old team.
For more on the interview, click this link ->
This is the conclusion of the post. Don't worry, more on Seasons 1 & 2 will come soon.
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