Sunday, June 14, 2015

Daredevil: The Man with No Fear

Daredevil aka Matt Murdock. As most know, Matt Murdock is a young man from Hell's Kitchen who is blind from an accident that happened when he was a kid. But from that accident that took away his eye sight, he obtained other abilities too. Abilities that allowed him to anticipate every move of his opponent just like a sonar equipment. For more information on Dare Devil, click the website below.

And I know, everyone has seen the new Dare Devil show on Netflix which was Marvel's way of saying, "Yeah, DC. We're back." If you have not seen the show, I advise you to stop reading and watch it because this post may contain spoilers.  

The actor, Charlie Cox, has a talk with an interviewer about how he performed his character and everything about the show. Here's a sneak peak of the interview:

 I was here yesterday for the Avengers interviews, have you had a chance to see the new movie yet?
Not yet, I’m very excited to. Is it good?

It’s very good. And because I’ve been watching that, and bringing Daredevil at a similar time, I was wondering if you think those worlds could still click together? Obviously it’s been rumored, but Daredevil is a lot darker than the movies…

Someone asked me the question earlier on today, about how would you take the Daredevil that we’ve met in the show and put him in an Avengers movie, and I understand that would be tricky because obviously you can’t bring the blood and guts that we’ve got to the cinematic universe.

But at the same time, if you read Civil War and you read New Avengers, Daredevil takes very much a back seat in those, and he’s just kind of on the periphery. He’s kind of brooding, and he adds a comment here and there, and give some advice.

In Civil War he ends up being the device they use in order to bring the whole thing to a head. So, I hope that there would be a way of including him, and more kind of suggest at his nature, suggest what he’s capable of, without having to actually see it. But maybe I’m just being optimistic because I want to be in the movies, you know what I mean?

My view on the interview comes in many stages. I'll just interview myself.

What do you think about this Daredevil?

Well, it's certainly better than Ben Affleck's role as Daredevil. This Daredevil is even more grittier than anything Marvel ever produced. He's more serious, and his past defines how he acts behind the mask which is like his father. The only difference, that Matt actually wins his fight. The other characters in Daredevil, like Foggy Nelson and Karen Page is good too. I think they set the boundary for Matt so he wouldn't cross the line of killing.

Do you enjoy the character William Fisk aka Kingpin (Vincent d'onofrio)?

If you're saying, do I enjoy his act of killing then yes. *laughs* I do enjoy his role because in the comics, Kingpin was a ruthless character. He kills with no mercy with a smile, and that's how he’s supposed to be in the show. But he also has a person that he can be gentle with... A woman that know his other side of compassion. I do like that part too.

Any love connection you think should happen?

I do like the idea of Matt and Claire (The nurse) should go at it because I think they make a good couple. The one that takes care and stitches up the man and still kicks ass when needed to. And the other is the fighter. Though, I do know the relationship that may happen with be with Matt and Karen because in the comics, Matt coupled with the secretary.

Do you think Electra will have an appearance in the second season?

I would really be excited if she does show up. But she has to be tough, and strong and is badass. 

If you enjoy have any questions, please comment.

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